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Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Obama's Blame Bush Tour

Obama speaking in Parma, Ohio sounds like all of his other blame Bush speeches. He is our savior, he is doing everything right, while the Republicans are evil American haters. Not only is he blaming the previous administration for everything but continues to lie. As people were falling asleep, he rambled on about Boehner, the Bush Tax cuts, and of course squeezing in a short sob story about his grandparents and mother.

If you missed the speech, you didn't miss a thing. Overall attacking the Republicans and Bush, and Bs-ing about everything else sounded just like Blah, blah, blah.

He was all over the place, made no sense, and I recommend going on with your life, and ignoring TV until November 2nd. For all you Liberals, remember to get out and vote on November 3rd.

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