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Saturday, September 11, 2010

Nine-Eleven Today

The heavens are overloaded with prayers on this day for the nearly 3000 who were lost nine years ago in the Twin Towers. In my moment of silence I remember how paralyzed I was, this day left a hole not only at Ground Zero, but in the hearts of the American people.

The memory of George W. Bush with a blow horn was a symbolic gesture to yell it loud and clear, we will not stand for this!

Today the tragedy is overshadowed by a potential building of a mosque and the burning of our flags by the same people who want to make America their new home, to spread love, peace and of course Shariah Law. Is this really how they want to ask us to welcome them, and their presence. to the sight where the Radical side of their religion killed so many??

This delicate time would have been the perfect opportunity for Obama (the stand in President) to show unity in our country by visiting Ground Zero without his entourage. While his visit to the Pentagon is commendable in that he even acknowledge this day, his presence in New York would have meant that he stands with the American people and not with his Muslim buddies.

9/11 brought Americans together, now nine years later, unity is a memory as are the Twin Towers.

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