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Saturday, September 11, 2010

Nine-Eleven Today

The heavens are overloaded with prayers on this day for the nearly 3000 who were lost nine years ago in the Twin Towers. In my moment of silence I remember how paralyzed I was, this day left a hole not only at Ground Zero, but in the hearts of the American people.

The memory of George W. Bush with a blow horn was a symbolic gesture to yell it loud and clear, we will not stand for this!

Today the tragedy is overshadowed by a potential building of a mosque and the burning of our flags by the same people who want to make America their new home, to spread love, peace and of course Shariah Law. Is this really how they want to ask us to welcome them, and their presence. to the sight where the Radical side of their religion killed so many??

This delicate time would have been the perfect opportunity for Obama (the stand in President) to show unity in our country by visiting Ground Zero without his entourage. While his visit to the Pentagon is commendable in that he even acknowledge this day, his presence in New York would have meant that he stands with the American people and not with his Muslim buddies.

9/11 brought Americans together, now nine years later, unity is a memory as are the Twin Towers.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Obama's Blame Bush Continues

It's Friday Sept. 10, 2010 and Obama's blame Bush continues. When is he going to get help? This man has the balls to face the American people and lie to their face on national TV, and think that we are dumb enough to believe him. He continues to go back to when he first came to office......what about the two years since then???? It didn't take years to make this mess, it's taken 19 months. What have you done Mr. POTUS since then???? Please get out of dreamland and try facing reality, you know NOTHING!

We don't need anymore roads, we can't afford to travel on the ones already here. Your agenda to stimulate growth is NOT Working. I have missed Bush since January 2009, and miss him more each day!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Obama's Blame Bush Tour

Obama speaking in Parma, Ohio sounds like all of his other blame Bush speeches. He is our savior, he is doing everything right, while the Republicans are evil American haters. Not only is he blaming the previous administration for everything but continues to lie. As people were falling asleep, he rambled on about Boehner, the Bush Tax cuts, and of course squeezing in a short sob story about his grandparents and mother.

If you missed the speech, you didn't miss a thing. Overall attacking the Republicans and Bush, and Bs-ing about everything else sounded just like Blah, blah, blah.

He was all over the place, made no sense, and I recommend going on with your life, and ignoring TV until November 2nd. For all you Liberals, remember to get out and vote on November 3rd.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

3 Reasons Obams Vacations and Plays Golf

Despite what some may say, there are only 3 explainable reasons that this president goes on so many vacations or plays golf so often.

1) Obama doesn’t have a clue what the job description is, so the Obamas’ think that they are celebrities, and like the rich and famous, they are entitled to take full advantage of all good things in life, while the little people eat cake. Obama wanted the job of president, but since he has never had a real job, never ran a business, or even managed one, knows nothing about running a 7/11 let alone a country, and he’s too vain to surround himself with advisors who will tell him what his job is. So, Obama vacations in as many wonderful places as possible, stopping for photo ops and fine dining, and like celebrities, they are surrounded by the paparazzi trying to get any glimpse of how their lives are different from ours.

2) Obama is overwhelmed. During the campaign he was told every minute what to say, and how to act, but now that the campaign is over, and he actually has to make a decision, he is suddenly so overwhelmed that his head is spinning. He doesn’t know how to fix the economy, even Michelle can’t figure out that spending millions in Spain, or ordering clothes from England really doesn’t stimulate the US economy. So instead of actually doing his job, he plays golf, vacations, and throws parties to get away from reality.

3) The third reason Obama vacations, is because he knows exactly what he is doing. What if Obama is really intelligent, a free thinker, a visionary who really wants to transform this country, can we then add him to the list of other visionaries? There are many, on the list, most candidates have been well liked, popular, narcissist and have definitely left a mark on history.

The list includes Mao Zedong, a true visionary, a communist and radical activist, who implemented several social programs to transform China, never mind the 70 millions of lives lost, the severe famine and devastation. Many today still regard him a God-like figure and one of the most influential figure in modern world history. Time Magazine named him one of the 100 most important people of the 20th century.

Hitler, a decorated veteran, admired by many in power, signed a bill which was a bit different since it allowed for deviations from the constitution, and to get enough votes, he made deals with several social parties promising them favors in return. Hitler’s gov’t further suppressed the political opposition and passed a law transferring all power to him becoming Supreme commander. He went on to convince the public that he was their savior from the economic Depression. His social policy and vision to cleanse the country began by killing children with disabilities, and the elderly and ended up killing 14 million people including 6 million Jews.

Saddam Hussein, a visionary, activist, a poet and author, a Muslim, so well liked that thousands of portraits, posters, statues and murals were erected in his honor all over Iraq. Torture, murders, deportations, forced disappearances, targeted assassinations, the destruction of the food sources of rival groups, government-approved executions and rape were some of the methods Saddam Hussein used to maintain control. According to the New York Times Saddam had killed millions of his own people most were woman and children.

Hugo Chavez, Venezuela’s left wing socialist darling passed a new constitution which called for an end to presidential term limits. His popularity, vision and fundamental changes "rests squarely on the lower classes” who have benefited from the nationalizing of the banking, education, oil, health and pretty much all other industries. He transformed his country’s poverty level to 72% to keep him in power and recently Twitted to the people to conserve water, take fewer showers.

All three reasons apply to Obama’s reasons for the distractions, vacations and even the daily crisis which surround him, and for your convenience, I have added him to the top of the list of loved, narcissistic, radical visionaries.